Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Velychko Olexandr photo

Velychko Olexandr

a member is a correspondent, doctor of engineering's sciences, professor


E-mail: [email protected]

Phone : +38 (056) 745 31 56

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The Corresponding member of academy of sciences of Ukraine, doctor of engineering science, professor, member of the Academy of Sciences of a Higher School of Ukraine, academician of Academy Engineer Science of Ukraine, honoured worker of national education of Ukraine (1999), winner of the State premium of Ukraine in the field of a science and engineering, awarded by the Order "For merits" of III rate.

Since 1979 to present time conduct teaching work in DMetI (now NMetAU) he was the Assistant, the Senior Lecturer, and since 1995 he became Full Professor. In 1994 he defended the thesis for a doctor's degree. He is the author of more than 480 scientific and teaching and methodical works, including monographers, textbooks, patents and certificates for inventions.

Full Prof. Velichko created the theory of the oscillatory phenomena and vibrations in steel smelting and ladle processes, and developed on this basis vibrating monitoring systems and managements of them. He developed essentially new concept of designing and operation of blast devices for steel smelting units, and introduced in production the highly reliable process equipment of metallurgical shops.

He fruitfully combines his scientific and teaching activity with organization work in a higher educational establishment. 1988-1996 he was the Dean of metallurgical faculty. 1996-2001 he was the vice- rector, and since April, 2001 to present time he is the Vice-rector of National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine.

Full Prof. Velichko's creative attitude to organizational improvement and program development for specialist training, and implementation of multistage educational system is appreciated both by the teaching staff and students.

Chairman of the specialized scientific council D.08.084.03 on protection of the doctor's and candidate dissertations, Chairman of expert council on material authority both architecture of Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, member of section "Metallurgy" of committee under the State premiums in the field of a science and engineering.

He is the member of National Supreme Accreditation committee of the Ministry of Education and a Science of Ukraine, chairman of expert council MON.

Chairman of council of rectors of the Dnepropetrovsk area supported by the Head of the Dnepropetrovsk regional state administration.

He is elected as the Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher school of Ukraine, the Academician of Academy of Engineering Sciences.

Full Prof. Velichko was awarded with a title "Honorable Educational Worker of Ukraine" (1999).

He is the Winner of the State premium of Ukraine in the field of a science and techniques (2000).

His basic scientific works:

"Vibration in converter melting" (2000); "The highly reliable metallurgical equipment in resource saving technologies" (2000); "Without coke metallurgy of iron" (2002); "Ladle processing of steel" (2005г.); "Plasma processes without coke manufactures of iron" (2005).