Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Palahuta Vadim Ivanovich photo

Palahuta Vadim Ivanovich

doctor of philosophical sciences, professor


E-mail: [email protected]

Phone : 3-116

Room : 458

Head of the Department of Engineering Pedagogy, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,

guarantor of the educational program for training doctors of philosophy (Ph.D) in specialty 033 - Philosophy,

member of scientific and methodical commission No. 1 for general and professional education of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine.


Member of the specialized academic council D 08.051.11 at Dnipro National University named after Oles Honchar for the defense of doctoral and candidate theses on the history of philosophy (09.00.05) and social philosophy and philosophy of history (09.00.03),

member of the specialized academic council D. 17.051.05 at the Zaporizhzhya National University for the defense of doctoral and candidate theses in social philosophy and philosophy of history (09.00.03),


Member of the editorial board of the specialized Ukrainian journal "Philosophy and political science in the context of modern culture" (Category B), member of the editorial board of the specialized Ukrainian journal "Cultural Studies" - Zaporizhzhia (Category B), member of the Ukrainian Union of Psychotherapists (USP).


Reads disciplines: philosophy, the basics of the professional activity of an engineer-pedagogue, didactic basics of professional education, psychology of personality and human development, conflicts in human life and ways to overcome them, conflicts in work teams, management theory and management of educational institutions, pedagogy and psychology of higher education, philosophical foundations of education, logic of scientific research, psychology of management, basis of management consulting: psychological aspect.


Field of scientific interests: social philosophy, history of philosophy, philosophical anthropology, political philosophy, psychology of management, philosophy of education, modern psychoanalysis.

The total number of scientific works: more than 200, including 4 monographs (1 – individual, 3 – collective); articles in professional journals and anthologies: about 90, incl. 3 articles in Web of Science and Scopus.


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Excellent student of education of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine.