Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Svetlana Borisovna Dovbnya photo

Svetlana Borisovna Dovbnya

Department manager

doctor of economic sciences, professor


E-mail: [email protected]

Phone : (+380562) 47-18-47

Room : Б-509

Svetlana Borisovna Dovbnya

A held position - a head of the department.

A scientific degree - Doctor of economic sciences.

A scientific rank - Professor.

Academician of the Academy of Economics of Ukraine


Pedagogical and scientific activity

  • Manages the department from 2005.
  • Heads Dnepropetrovsk research scientific school of industrial production efficiency .
  • Head of education-methodic commission to direction "Economy of industry".
  • Member of editorial college of the magazine "Metallurgical and mining industry" - section  "Economy and production management".
  • Is a member of section of the Scientific council MЕS of the “Economy of industry” direction and is the member of the specialized scientific council D 08.080.01 in the National mountain university of MES Ukraine on conducting of defense of dissertations, receipt of scientific degree of doctor (candidate) of economic sciences.
  • Is a Participant of regional and international scientific - methodical conferences.


Basic lecture courses:

 "Enterprise finances", "Financial activities of business entities", "Strategic management of enterprises", "Economic management of business activities of business entities", 

"Restructuring and rehabilitation of enterprises", "Personnel management", "Business planning of enterprises" and others.


Basic directions of scientific researches:

  • conceptual and methodical providing of  restructuring processes in industry;
  • forming of the complex planning system of industrial enterprises activity ;
  • ground of directions of increase of management efficiency by industrial enterprises (optimization of business-processes, improvement of organizational structures of management, introduction of the system of the budgetary planning);
  • research of works potential of enterprise and efficiency of his use and development of the complex control system by a personnel;
  • development of the methodical providing of the system of crisis management on an enterprise;
  • estimation, analysis and prognostication financial - economic position of enterprise.


Scientific interests:

  • enterprise restructuring, development of enterprise development strategy;
  • improvement of organizational management structures;
  • staff motivation;
  • financial management, including financial analysis;
  • forecasting the financial state of the enterprise;
  • improvement of the planning system for enterprises, including business planning;
  • budgeting;
  • assessment of investment attractiveness and creditworthiness of enterprises.


Has more than 130 publications in leading scientific domestic and oversea editions, and also 4 monographs, including scientific monograph "Methodical bases and directions of restructuring of enterprises in industry"

Довбня С.Б. Методичні особливості комплексної оцінки фінансового стану та економічних результатів підприємства // Ефективна економіка. – 2015. - №3.
