Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Development of personnel potential of scientific and pedagogical staff of the department Intellectual property and project management. News icon

Teachers of the department include:

Head of the Department of Science and Technology, prof. V.O. Petrenko,

Doctor of Economics, Assoc. Fonaryova T.A.,

senior teacher Odinchenko T.M.

from 01.02.2024 to 30.05.2024 passed advanced training at the Research Institute of Intellectual Property National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv) duration of 180 hours (6 credits) and received relevant certificates.

As part of professional development Petrenko V.O., Fonarova T.A., Odinchenko T.M. participated in the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Protection against unfair competition in the conditions of European integration and digital transformation" (May 31, 2024) Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and published a scientific work on the topic:



The focus of attention is on improving the professional skills of the department's teachers Intellectual property and project management

Teachers of the department include:

Head of the Department of Science and Technology, prof. V.O. Petrenko,

Ph.D., prof. Korogod N.P.,

Ph.D., Assoc. Fonarova T.A.,

Ph.D., Assoc. Korkhina I.A.

and senior teacher Shvets Y.S.

from June 10 to 28, 2024, they completed a training course on improving the level of professional competence for teachers of higher education institutions and other specialists in the field of intellectual property "Intellectual property and the latest technologies for higher education institutions", which was developed by the department of the "Intellectual Property Academy" of Ukrainian National Office for Intellectual Property and Innovations (IP Office)  with the support Academies of the World Intellectual Property Organization and received relevant certificates.

In the course of mastering the course, the teachers of the department improved their qualifications in the most relevant areas, such as:

1 Intellectual property and virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR).

2 Artificial intelligence and protection of intellectual property.

3 Intellectual Property in Cloud Storage and Graphical User Interface (GUI).

4 Fundamentals of digital learning environments.

5 Digital resources in the educational environment.

6 Evaluation with the help of technologies.

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Integration of science and education for the sake of the future restoration of Ukraine and the development of metallurgy News icon

Head of the Department  intellectual property and project management, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine Petrenko Vitaliy

and Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Selegey Andrey, Guarantor of "Compliance of Metallurgical Production"

joined the team of scientists and inventors and received a patent for an invention 


Project management. Prospects for the development of project and neuromanagement, management information technologies, technologies for the creation and use of objects of intellectual property rights, technology transfer: a collection of scientific w

The collection of scientific papers contains the materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Project Management. Prospects for the development of project and neuromanagement, management information technologies, technologies for the creation and use of objects of intellectual property rights, technology transfer." The collection of scientific works is of interest to researchers, teachers, specialists in intellectual property and project management, as well as students.


We invite you to participate in the 6th International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "KYIV-DNIPRO" CITY

Dear colleagues!

Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology, Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management and Scientific and Educational Center "Center for Intellectual and Innovative Consulting" invite you to participate in the work



We congratulate the head of the department of intellectual property and project management Petrenko Vitaliy with receiving the Diploma of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School! News icon

The staff of the department congratulates Ph.D., head of the department, from now on, academician - Vitaliy Petrenko on receiving the Diploma of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School No. 430 dated 09.12.2023!

We wish Vitaly Oleksandrovych further fruitful scientific work for the development of the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management and the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology! Sooner Victory, may new plans and ideas be implemented, new educational programs be opened under the leadership of Vitaly Oleksandrovych for the training of modern specialists for the future restoration of Ukraine!


The combination of science and education for the future renewal of Ukraine

Teachers of the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management: Petrenko V.O., Tuboltsev L.H., Fonarova T.A.

took part in the First International Scientific Conference on the Revival of Ukraine


Mining and metallurgical complex:

integration of business, technology and education"

The report of the department’s scientists IMPROVING METALLURGICAL PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT BASED ON THE COMPLIANCEbrings together the latest tools in managing and meets the development of the educational program “Compliance of Metallurgical Production”.


At the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management a scientific seminar was held with the participation stakeholders of the department's educational programs on the topic of: INCREASING ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF METALLURGICAL PRODUCTION News icon

The scientific seminar was attended by leading experts and scientists in metallurgy, project management and intellectual property Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies (USUST)

 (pictured from left to right, first row):

Gupalo Elena Vyacheslavovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor atUSUST,

Vereshchak Viktor Ivanovich, General Director of «KOSH» LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,

Petrenko Vitaly Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management, USUST,

Gress Leonid Petrovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor ofUSUST<span style="font-fam ...



The Concept of Sustainable Development of Metallurgy in Ukraine. Status, experience, prospects.” Dnipro, 2023

Team of authors:

Tuboltsev Leonid Grigorievich, candidate of technical sciences. Sciences, senior researcher, Honored Worker of Industry of Ukraine, Head of the Scientific and Organizational Department, Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy named after Z.I. Nekrasov NAS of Ukraine,

Prygunova Adel Georgievna, Doctor of Engineering. Sciences, Art. scientific employee, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, head of department, Physico-Technological Institute of Metals and Alloys of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

Anatoly Vasilievich Narovsky, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Sciences, Art. scientific employee, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Director, Physico-Technological Institute of Metals and Alloys of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

Petrenko Vitaly Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Engineering. Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology.

 The monograph includes a wide range of issues of the development of ferrous metallurgy, which are considered in the context of theoretical, economic and technological features of the current state and evolution. The approaches and methods for ensuring the sustainable development of the mining and metallurgical complex of Ukraine in the conditions of global and domestic production of metal products, as well as the restoration of the metallurgy of Ukraine after its destruction as a result of Russian military aggression, are analyzed. Modern metallu ...


The scientific achievements and results of the department’s teachers and graduate students were included in the international collective monograph “Innovative integrated computer systems in strategic project management” (Riga, Latvia, 2022)

The scientific achievements and results of the department’s teachers and graduate students were included in the international collective monograph “Innovative integrated computer systems in strategic project management”, published by the European publishing house Landmark SIA (Riga, Latvia, 2022). DOI:

Teachers of the department - prof. V.A. Petrenko, associate professor T.A. Fonareva and graduate student K.M. Bushuev took part in an international project for the preparation and publication of an international collective monograph “Innovative integrated computer systems in strategic project management”.

The topic of the section of the monograph is "Mission and strategy of compliance program of metallurgical enterprise" as part of the scientific support of the new educational and professional program of the department "Compliance of metallurgical production" at the master's level.

Also teachers of the department prof. V.A. Petrenko, associate professor T.A. Fonareva and graduate student K.M. Bushuev took part in intensive training on information technology and project management “Innovative integrated computer systems in strategic project management” and received certificates.


Collaboration with stakeholders at the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management

On September 6, 2023, a meeting was held with a program stakeholder “Compliance of metallurgical production” by Leonid Grigorievich Tuboltsev, candidate of technical sciences. Sciences, senior researcher, Honored Worker of Industry of Ukraine, Head of the Scientific and Organizational Department of the S. I. Nekrasov Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He dwelled in detail on the problems of the development of metallurgical production in the post-war and post-war periods; emphasized the important role of the educational and professional program in training future specialists in the field of metallurgy and metallurgical production management; shared his experience of establishing relationships with partners and spoke about scientific projects that are being implemented on the initiative and with the participation of the S. I. Nekrasov Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. After the meeting with the leadership of the department and members of the training quality assurance group of the “Compliance of Metallurgical Production” program, prospects and directions for further scientific cooperation, issues of improving the educational and methodological support of EPP disciplines were discussed. Leonid Tuboltsev provided valuable suggestions for the development and improvement of the Metallurgical Production Compliance program.


On August 30, 2023, a meeting of the quality assurance group of the new educational and professional program was held "COMPLIANCE OF METALLURGICAL PRODUCTION" master's level News icon

The agenda discussed the following issues:

1) the results of the admissions campaign in 2023 and the recruitment of applicants for the EPP “Compliance of metallurgical production”;

2) consideration of comments and suggestions from scientific and pedagogical workers, students and stakeholders to improve and improve the educational program;

3) approval of curricula, syllabuses;

4) formation of a database of selective disciplines of the professional training cycle for the EPP “Compliance of metallurgical production” of the department for 2023-2024;

5) analysis of the compliance of EPP teachers with licensing conditions and directions for its improvement and improvement for the next academic year;

6) analysis of educational, methodological and logistical support and recommendations for improving its quality.

Guarantor Professor Andrey SELEGEY


Development and direction to the future Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management thanks to the opening of a new educational and professional program specialty 073 management specialization "Innovation and legal management" bac

We are pleased to inform applicants and all interested parties about the opening of a new educational and professional program “Innovation and Legal Management” at the bachelor’s level at the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management!

We wish the education quality assurance team of this program strength, creative, scientific and pedagogical success, many talented applicants and students!

We ask everyone interested to participate in the discussion of the project of the educational program “Innovation and Legal Management” at the bachelor’s level, which is located in the “Educational programs” tab. We are looking forward to constructive suggestions and comments that the quality team will work on to improve and improve the program!


The focus of attention is on improving the professional skills of the department's teachers News icon

Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences Tatiana FONAROVA took part in the program of the All-Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical advanced training «Teaching law in higher education institutions: challenges of war and post-war reconstruction» and published the article «Modern approaches to teaching disciplines of the educational and professional program «Innovative and Legal Management »» with in the framework of scientific and methodological support of the new educational and professional program “Innovation and Legal Management” at the bachelor’s level of education at UDUNT.

Yevgenia Shvets , a senior teacher at the department, also took part in the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Pedagogical Advanced Training "Improving the Professional Competence of a Teacher of Legal Disciplines". The course included 6 ECTS credits (180 hours), which were listened to in lectures on the following topics: "Modern tools for teaching legal disciplines", "Organizational and legal regulation of higher education in Ukraine", "Innovative methods and techniques of teaching legal disciplines in a higher institution education".

Yevgenia also took part in the International advanced training (webinar) on the topic: "TRANSFER OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE COUNTRIES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND UKRAINE".


The focus of attention is the international scientific internship of the department's teachers

Professor of the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management Natalia KOROGOD recently completed an internship in Switzerland, at the scientific organization Scientific Visual SA, which received its significant development on the basis of the effective creation and activities of scientific start-ups. She conducted research and received a certificate on the topic: “Management of technology transfer and innovative development.” This is one of the main areas that our department has been working on for many years, improving the knowledge and skills of teachers and students. Among the main expected results of such international cooperation:

- current trends in international innovation management have been identified, ways and possibilities for further cooperation and exchange of experience in the areas of activity under study have been established;

- using the experience of this scientific organization as an example, effective elements of the organizational structure for managing systems of innovation management and technology transfer were determined;

- models of interaction between the components of the “university – state – scientific organization (start-up)” system have been studied, and the most possible forms for implementation in the conditions of a domestic university have been identified among them;

- analyzed individual results of scientific activities and innovative projects of Scientific Visual SA, as well as ways of their practical implementation in the industrial sphere (technology transfer);

- the information and experience obtained are of an applied nature and can be further implemented in the scientific and pedagogical activities of the department and the university, in particular, within the framework of educational and professional programs “Intellectual Property”, “Project Management”, “Innovation and Legal Management” and other programs departments.

We hope for further opportunities for international cooperation, because this is one of the important areas of academic mobility of scientific and pedagogical workers of a modern university.


Congratulations to the acting head of the department intellectual property and project management, Prof. Petrenko Vitaly on receiving the Certificate of Honor! News icon

Congratulations to Doctor of Technical Sciences, Acting Head of Department, Professor Vitaly Oleksandrovych Petrenko with the receipt of the Certificate of Honor! Thank you for the fruitful scientific work aimed at the development of the department of intellectual property and project management and the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology! We wish you health, goodness and harmony, the realization of new ideas and a peaceful sky!



Defense of final qualifying master's theses in 2023 News icon

At the department of intellectual property and project management, the defense of final qualifying master's theses in specialty 
073 - "Management" under the IP "Intellectual Property" and the IP "Project Management" took place. Full-time and part-time
students demonstrated the results of their research both online and speaking at the department before members of the examination
committee. We congratulate our graduates and wish them prosperity and success in their future work under a peaceful sky!
