Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

OSYPENKO Iryna photo


candidate of technical science, assistant professor


E-mail: [email protected]

Phone :

Room : A-503-4


Publications on Google Scholar

Osypenko Iryna has entered NMetAU in 1993 on a speciality "Foundry manufacture" which has graduated in 1998. After obtaining of diploma of higher education, in 1998 has entered the magistracy.

In 1999 Osipenko I.A. has entered in postgraduate study after termination of which she works as assistant on departament of foundry manufacture. A theme of thesis work is "Development and research of new structures of cold-solidifying mixes (CSM) and coverings for moulds" - supervisor of studies is professor, doctor of tecknical sciences Hrychikov V.E. Thesis work has defined a sphere of scientific interests of I.A.Osipenko.

Assistant Osipenko I.A. published six articles with results of development on given subject matter, was head of two interuniversity complex diploma works on application of secondary materials and waste products of metallurgical manufacture in composition of CSM and coverings for moulds.