Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

YVANOVA L.K.  Associate Professor, Candidate of Science (first academic degree comparable to PhD) photo

YVANOVA L.K. Associate Professor, Candidate of Science (first academic degree comparable to PhD)

doctor of engineering's sciences, professor


E-mail: [email protected]

Phone : 35-92

Room : A-512-1


Publications on Google Scholar

Was born on May, 16, 1949 in Baltiysk of Kaliningrad region. Has graduated Dnepropetrovsk metallurgical institute in 1971 on a speciality "Foundry manufacture of ferrous and nonferrous metals" and has been left for scientific work on departament of foundry manufacture in a post of engineer of Scientific-research sector.

The next years worked on a post of senior engineer, younger scientific employee, senior scientific employee. In 1984 has defended a thesis on a scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences. Lectures (since 1992) in National metallurgical academy of Ukraine. Proceedings (more than 400) in the field of manufacturing of castings from high-strength cast irons, including heat treatment of forming rolls. Author of more than 80 inventions.