Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

“Plastic deformation of metals 2017”

Conference “Plastic deformation of metals 2017”

The title of the conference: The international scientific and technical conference “Plastic deformation of metals 2017”

The topic of the conference: Innovations in metal forming as an element of technical high school’s competition ability

The place and date of event: National metallurgical academy of Ukraine, city of Dnipro, May 22...26, 2017


Honorable Head of the Scientific Committee – Professor Valentin N. Danchenko

Conference “Plastic deformation of metals 2017” 

Program of the conference and abstract of papers HERE

Please inform us about possibility and form of participation in the conference by e-mail: [email protected]


Uplink: International Scientific and Technical Conference "Plastic deformation of metals"